The detailed procedure to take daily automatic DSpace backup of Database & Repository using DSpace Backup Commands in Terminal.
In this process, we will create DSpace backup file for the following:1. PostgreSQL Database.
2. DSpace File System (dspace/assetstore directory).
3. DSpace Log Files. (dspace/log directory).
To set up Automatic Daily DSpace Backup, Please do follow the below DSpace Backup Commands.
First of all, log in to the root user and create a directory for backup.
sudo su
Enter Login password when prompted.
mkdir dspace_backup
Allow permissions to this newly created folder.
sudo chmod 777 dspace_backup
Next, exit from root directory.
Now Create a script file for automatic dpsace backup.
sudo nano dspace_backup/
Copy below text into file and save it.
PGPASSWORD="dspace" pg_dump -U dspace -h localhost -Fc dspace | gzip > dspace_backup/dspace-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%S).sql.gz
now=$(date +"%d_%m_%Y")
zip -r /home/server/dspace_backup/$ /dspace/assetstore
zip -r /home/server/dspace_backup/$ /dspace/log
N.B.:Change [username] & [password] as per your DSpace Database Credentials.
Make this file executable by the following command:
sudo chmod +x dspace_backup/
Now, execute
this file for testing by the following command:
sh dspace_backup/
Next, Schedule DSpace backup using a cron job, Open Crontab using nano editor.
crontab -e
It will ask to select an editor to open crontab, select nano editor.
Copy & paste the following lines at the end of crontab.
15 16 * * * dspace_backup/
00 14 * * * find dspace_backup/* -mtime +180 -exec rm {} ;
Save this file using Ctrl+O and ENTER, then press Ctrl+X to exit the cron.
Now, This cron job will take Backup of Dspace Database, files & logs automatically at 04:15PM daily and save it to dspace_backup folder. It will automatically delete backup files older than 180 days.
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